Bioanalytical Assay Services
北京 通州区 北京市通州区经海五路1号院国际企业大道III 22号楼 100176 负责人: abacebiology, 联系人: 章先生电话: , 手机:
传真: ,
Creative BioMart offers complete sample analysis for analytes measured by the majority of our assays. Our trained assay services staff can process samples from a vast array of biological matrices. Creative BioMart gives our staff a unique understanding of assay performance. We have assisted academics and pharmaceutical customers all over the world.
Creative BioMart's Bioanalytical Assay Service is designed to help those who:
This service include:
We carry out
Aldosterone Assay Service
Catalase Assay Service
Chloride Colorimetric Assay Service
Coenzyme A Assay Service
Colorimetric COX Inhibitor Screening Assay Service
cPLA2 Assay Service
Creatine Kinase Assay Service
Cysteinyl Leukotriene Assay Service
Glucose Assay Service
Glutathione Assay Service
Interleukin Assay Service
Prostaglandin Assay Service
Welcome to contact us or send an email to for project quotations and more detailed information.