Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
北京 通州区 北京市通州区经海五路1号院国际企业大道III 22号楼 100176 负责人: abacebiology, 联系人: 章先生电话: , 手机:
传真: , Email:info@abace-biology.com
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques allow specific nucleic acid sequences to be detected in morphologically preserved chromosomes, cells or tissue sections. In combination with immunocytochemistry, FISH can relate microscopic topological information to gene activity at the DNA, RNA, and protein level.
Creative Diagnostics offers a full line of FISH services, from standardized testing of validated assays to custom development of new assays. Our well-established standard operating procedure allows efficient optimization of labeling variety of fluorescent probes, sample preparation, hybridization conditions and imaging analysis. Drawing on many years of experience and in-depth knowledge, we guarantee that you will get the best FISH services from us for the ultimate success of your scientific research.
Creative Diagnostics offers a range of different FISH services including:
• Metaphase and Interphase FISH (chromosomal assignment and clone ordering)
• Fibre-FISH (Chromosome Painting)
• RNA-FISH (cell-based gene expression assay)
• M-FISH (multicolour karyotyping)
• 3D-FISH (on three-dimensionally preserved nuclei )
• Flow-FISH (quantify the length of telomeres)
• FISH on paraffin sections (analysis of archive material)
• ImmunoFISH (combined FISH and Immunofluorescenc
With combined academic and industrial experiences, we are confident that we will achieve high quality work and guarantee you complete satisfaction. We are eager to learn of our customers' specific FISH requirement and to facilitate their research and product development.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our service.