红外 衍射 紫外 气质

Microsatellite Genotyping Service



北京 通州区 北京市通州区经海五路1号院国际企业大道III 22号楼 100176
负责人: abacebiology, 联系人: 章先生
电话: , 手机:
传真: , Email:info@abace-biology.com


The PCR reaction is performed with fluorescent dye-labeled primers, then the PCR fragments can be analyzed on a capillary DNA sequencing machine (ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer), and the data is analyzed using AB GeneMapper software. By taking advantage of multiplexing by fragment size and dye color, and the ability of automated fluorescent genetic analyzer machines to autoload 16 samples at a time from 96-well or even 384-well microtitre plates, high throughput marker analysis experiments can be designed. This service has been applied to a wide variety of species and can accommodate any species for which microsatellite markers are available.


Microsatellite genotyping has been used in thousands of linkage analyses of Mendelian traits to detect co-segregation of a distinct phenotype with a particular microsatellite allele in a family. It has also been used to identify genes in complex diseases.

