红外 衍射 紫外 气质

Monoclonal Antibody Epitope Mapping



北京 通州区 北京市通州区经海五路1号院国际企业大道III 22号楼 100176
负责人: abacebiology, 联系人: 章先生
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传真: , Email:info@abace-biology.com


Creative BioLabs together with our sister company Creative BioStructure has been a leader in commercializing a comprehensive panel of methodologies in mapping both linear and conformational epitopes of monoclonal antibodies.

Epitopes consist of groups of amino acids that lie close together on the protein (antigen) surface and interact with an antibody; they therefore determine antigenicity. Epitopes of proteins are usually classified as either linear (continuous) or conformational (discontinuous). Conformational epitopes are thought to form the majority of epitopes on most proteins. However, many conformational epitopes may also be recognizable as linear epitopes.

A multitude of disciplines require detailed knowledge about epitopes. Not only immunologists who have an a priori interest depend on epitope mapping protocols, but also biologists using antibodies as research tools, structural biologists studying protein–protein interactions, clinicians investigating patients' immune responses, vaccine developers designing and testing immunogens, diagnostic labs developing and applying ELISAs, and last but not the least, biotech and pharmaceutical companies obliged to monitor the immunogenicity of novel therapeutic antibodies, proteins, and peptides, to mention only a few.

As epitope mapping is becoming more and more vital, technologies are developing fast too. Creative Biolabs has the unprecedented ability to provide epitope mapping services with 100% accuracy and efficiency. Creative Biolabs offers various types of epitope mapping technologies, among which you can choose based on the specific needs of your study. 

    Below are the methodologies that you can choose based on your specific needs:

• Epitope mapping by X-ray Crystallography
• Epitope mapping by peptide libraries
• Epitope mapping by LC-MS
• Epitope mapping by 3D-EM
• Epitope Prediction for the Identification of Antibody Epitopes

