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NSG Exome & Target Region Sequencing


北京 通州区 北京市通州区经海五路1号院国际企业大道III 22号楼 100176
负责人: abacebiology, 联系人: 章先生
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传真: , Email:info@abace-biology.com


CD Genomics proprietary GenSeqTM Technology provides exome and target region sequencing which overcome the challenges of working with large numbers of samples and regions, or demonstrated variable coverage.

Exome sequencing (also known as targeted exome capture) is an efficient strategy to selectively sequence the coding regions of the genome, which utilizes target enrichment strategy, as a cheaper but still effective alternative to whole genome sequencing. 

Target region sequencing utilizes similar strategy which involves isolation of genomic regions of interest in a sample library, enabling cost effective and systematic detection of germline and somatic variants.More information, please visit the website: http://www.cd-genomics.com/Exome-and-Target-Region-Sequencing.html
